Thank you for your interest in Streaming Heaven.
To watch a reading of the pilot, enter the password "comingsoon" into the vimeo.
JENNA MARIE ABBOTT: A 30-something chef who has worked
in many restaurants. Tough, fragile, loving, hurt by past relationships, she
is distrusting. She is constantly searching for answers to the universe but is
a self-proclaimed agnostic and isn’t really looking to God for answers.
THOMAS GILFOYLE: Thomas, 28, is a writer and Biblical scholar with not
too much world experience stuck in academia. He is constantly looking for
the perfect way to distill the bible into a way that everyone can understand.
FATHER MIKE RIORDAN: Father Mike, 48, is one of those guys. The guy
you can talk to about anything, the guy you can bear your heart and soul to,
the guy who well, seems a bit too perfect. He’s has his problems (who
doesn’t?) and his faith is astounding but he wants more.
in many restaurants. Tough, fragile, loving, hurt by past relationships, she
is distrusting. She is constantly searching for answers to the universe but is
a self-proclaimed agnostic and isn’t really looking to God for answers.
THOMAS GILFOYLE: Thomas, 28, is a writer and Biblical scholar with not
too much world experience stuck in academia. He is constantly looking for
the perfect way to distill the bible into a way that everyone can understand.
FATHER MIKE RIORDAN: Father Mike, 48, is one of those guys. The guy
you can talk to about anything, the guy you can bear your heart and soul to,
the guy who well, seems a bit too perfect. He’s has his problems (who
doesn’t?) and his faith is astounding but he wants more.